Fantasy Football Weekly is America's longest-running fantasy football radio show—and is now available as a podcast. The show is hosted by Fantasy Sports Hall of...
Charch, Thor, and Fish help guide your fantasy team into next week's finals! You'll get letter grades on every notable player and we'll help you find dynasty stashes for 2025. See for privacy information.
The Fantasy Playoffs are Here!
Charch, Thor, and Fish refill your Kupp with starting options from every Week 15 matchup that could help you overcome your deficit!See for privacy information.
Win and In!
It's a must-win week for fantasy managers trying to make a push for the playoffs! Get all the intel you need to give your squad a chance at the championship. See for privacy information.
The Mayo Man
Have you heard of the Mayo Man? Will Levis be a player who you can take a chance on this week? Scott, Thor, and Charch breakdown the Week 13 schedule.See for privacy information.
The Return of the Byepocalypse
There are a whopping 6 teams on a bye this week, so the player pool is pretty thin! But have no fear! Charch, Mat, and Brian have all the starts, sits, and take a chance on me players needed to survive the Week 12 byepocalypse. See for privacy information.
Fantasy Football Weekly is America's longest-running fantasy football radio show—and is now available as a podcast. The show is hosted by Fantasy Sports Hall of Famer, Paul Charchian, founder of Each episode of Fantasy Football Weekly provides data-driven fantasy advice for every listener. We break down every NFL matchup from a fantasy standpoint, unearth sleepers, and answer the toughest questions facing fantasy owners. New episodes are available every Friday evening featuring previews of the upcoming NFL schedule.