Skin that smokewagon! It’s western week here on this season of Dual of the Greats! And of course we have the famous battle of Wyatt Earp vs Tombstone. Both movies tackle the legend of the man himself but in entirely different ways. Will Wyatt Earps depiction of the titular characters entire life make it the Read more
Season 3: Special Feature – Olympus Has Fallen Vs. White House Down
You asked, we answered! After multiple requests and mentions about it we have decided to include the “dual” of White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen. We have stepped outside our “normally scheduled programming” to bring you this episode. Which movie handled the “President is kidnapped” plot better? Listen and find out. This one’s for Read more
Season 3: Ep 5 – No Strings Attached vs. Friends with Benefits
From the time of “When Harry Met Sally” many rom-coms have tried to figure out whether men and women can be “just friends.” But something was in the air in 2011 that had people wondering if they could be *only* be more than friends? Instead of wondering if a relationship could be had without the Read more
Season 3: Ep 4 – Immaculate vs. The First Omen
You’ve heard of a pregnant pause, but how about a pregnant nun?? Well, we’ve got two of them this week in our doppelganger movies. These are the most recent movies that we have ever reviewed as both of these movies came out in 2024 and are hardly over a year old but they have made Read more
Season 3: Ep 3 – Antz vs A Bug’s Life
The Dual of the Greats marches up the hill hoorah, hoorah! This week we take on our first ever animated movies in AntZ and A Bug’s Life. Both movies came out in the year 1998 (somebody needs to really look into the 97-98 period and all the doppelganger movies) and feature a plot of an Read more
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