COACH is a new groundbreaking educational football analysis show hosted by NFL legends Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Michael Lombardi. In each episode, the...
Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Michael Lombardi discuss the NFL teams eliminated from the Playoffs and what they should focus on heading into next season. Plus, a preview of the top Week 15 matchups.
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Playoff Race & December Football | Coach Podcast
Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Michael Lombardi talk about the top teams in the NFC and AFC, how the football season starts after Thanksgiving, and upcoming games to watch at the start of December.
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Thanksgiving Football | Coach Podcast
Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Mike Lombardi discuss the rich history of playing football on Thanksgiving. Plus, a Week 13 preview.
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Hottest NFL Trends | Coach Podcast
Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Michael Lombardi discuss notable trends across the league.
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Navy SEAL Teaches Us Leadership on Veteran’s Day | Coach Podcast
Andrew Sullivan, a retired Navy SEAL, joins his good friends Bill Belichick and Matt Patricia on Veteran's Day to talk about the importance of honoring those who have served our country and gives a lesson on leadership.
"Sully" now Community First Project, a foundation on a mission to make our communities safer by enhancing current police training protocols. Support C1P here:
0:00 Joining the Navy
5:30 Leadership
7:40 Message to Veterans
12:00 Birthplace of the SEALs
14:05 Community First Project
20:20 Army vs. Navy
21:10 Matt's Beard
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COACH is a new groundbreaking educational football analysis show hosted by NFL legends Bill Belichick, Matt Patricia, and Michael Lombardi. In each episode, the coaches break down game-changing situations and front office management tactics sharing insights from decades of coaching experience and opening up the "Belichick Encyclopedia" of football knowledge. Created by football legends, for football fans. New shows drop weekly!