"American Experience Presents" brings a fresh take on the iconic stories told on TV's most-watched history series. This 10-episode anthology launches with three...
William Randolph Hearst has one goal: to dethrone Joseph Pulitzer as the king of newspapers. What follows is a circulation war like no other, where no tactic is off-limits. Hearst slashes prices to a penny, poaches top talent, and even lures away Pulitzer's pressroom cat. But it's his sensational coverage that truly captivates readers. From exposing corrupt ice trusts to smuggling Cuban revolutionaries, Hearst's 'new journalism' knows no bounds. He assembles his own 'murder squad,' races through city streets to catch killers, and brazenly claims credit for starting the Spanish-American War.As Hearst's influence grows, so do concerns about his unchecked power. When newsboys go on strike against his unfair practices, the self-proclaimed champion of the working class shows his true colors.Learn more about American Experience Follow the show on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads------------------------------Credits: Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen BeebeStory Editor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James EdwardsExecutive Producer: Cameo George
Part 1: Hearst's San Francisco Sensation
In 1887, a 24-year-old Harvard dropout takes over a struggling San Francisco newspaper. Within weeks, he's arrested for libel. Meet William Randolph Hearst, the audacious young publisher who transforms 'The Examiner' from a money-losing headache into the 'Monarch of the Dailies.'Discover how Hearst's outrageous stunts—like timing how long it takes a ferry to rescue an overboard reporter—skyrocket circulation from 5,000 to 55,000 in just three years. And meet the mother who controls his purse strings. From championing racist policies to laying the foundations of his media empire, Hearst's rise proves as controversial as it is meteoric. Listen as this mercurial maverick makes his mark on journalism.Learn more about American Experience Follow the show on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads------------------------------Credits: Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen BeebeStory Editor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James EdwardsExecutive Producer: Cameo George
Introducing: William Randolph Hearst
American newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst's immense wealth and power transformed the media's role in politics and society. In this 4-part series, we delve into Hearst's early life and his rise as a media titan, revealing how his prodigious appetites and control over vast media holdings allowed him to shape public opinion and influence major events. Hearst's innovative and often controversial approach to journalism, known as "yellow journalism," redefined the boundaries of news reporting and had a profound impact on American culture. Discover how his publishing empire not only sensationalized stories but also played a critical role in political campaigns and public perception during pivotal moments in history. Join host James Edwards for a richly detailed account of William Randolph Hearst, where expert interviews, rare archival audio, and compelling storytelling illuminate the legacy of this pioneering media titan whose impact continues to resonate today. Learn more about American Experience Follow the show on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads------------------------------Credits: Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen BeebeStory Editor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James EdwardsExecutive Producer: Cameo George
Part 3: Downfall
At the height of his power, Senator Joseph McCarthy seems unstoppable. But his downfall comes from an unexpected place—the U.S. Army. Follow the dramatic escalation of McCarthy's anti-communist campaign in 1953 as his crusade collides with the military, leading to televised hearings that captivate the nation. The drama intensifies with Edward R. Murrow's iconic broadcast, as the legendary newsman challenges McCarthy's methods, marking a seismic shift in public opinion. Listen as this chaotic political showdown unfolds, revealing the raw interplay of power, media, and accountability—and witness the beginning of the end for one of America's most controversial political figures.Learn more about American Experience Follow the show on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads-------------------------------------Credits:Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen Beebe Story Editor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James EdwardsExecutive Producer: Cameo George
Part 2: Chasing the Lie
As Cold War fears grip 1950s America, Joseph McCarthy weaponizes accusations of communist infiltration, rocketing from obscurity to national prominence. Discover how one man's relentless pursuit of a lie explodes into a nationwide witch hunt. Through rare audio and firsthand accounts, hear McCarthy's audacious tactics unfold - from smearing political opponents to interrogating alleged subversives in government and beyond, no institution is safe, not even public libraries.Listen as the televised hearings and flying subpoenas leave careers in ruins, as everyday Americans face an impossible choice: their principles or their survival. But as the senator's power reaches new heights, dark clouds gather on the horizon.Learn more about American Experience Follow the show on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads-------------------------------------Credits:Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen Beebe Story Editor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James Edwards Executive Producer: Cameo George
"American Experience Presents" brings a fresh take on the iconic stories told on TV's most-watched history series. This 10-episode anthology launches with three powerful narratives: Joseph McCarthy, whose anti-communist crusade terrorized 1950s America; media titan William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper mogul whose empire shaped public opinion for decades; and Sgt. Isaac Woodard, the decorated World War II veteran whose brutal assault by police sparked a civil rights awakening. This new GBH podcast examines how these three transformative figures shaped pivotal moments in 20th century America, bringing their stories to life for a new generation of listeners.Connect with American Experience on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Threads and YouTube.-----------------------------------Credits:Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriters: Galen Beebe and Andrew NewmanStory Editor: Devin Maverick Robins Editorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrators: James Edwards and Cameo GeorgeExecutive Producer: Cameo George